Transcending Boundaries of Gender, Race, Religion, Class, and Sexual Orientation

Who is Transcender Lee?
Transcender Lee is a transsexual woman on a mission to transcend boundaries that limit our lives. The idea grew out of her own struggle with the boundaries of gender. She was born with a male body and for many years did not question the assumption that she was a boy and then a man. But somehow she never seemed to fit either her idea or society’s idea of what it means to be male. Eventually she came to understand that gender is not determined by physical sex, and that she is actually a woman in a male body.
Unlike most of the male-to-female transsexuals covered in the media, Transcender Lee has no interest in changing her body to make it more female. She does not think she was born in the wrong body. She thinks that a woman in a male body is exactly what she was always supposed to be. She does not even try to “look like a woman” by means of clothes, makeup, or anything else. She is a “non-transition transsexual,” as she describes herself in her book, Woman Incognito.
Having transcended the traditional boundaries of gender, Transcender Lee began to question some other
traditional boundaries. Sexual orientation was a particularly obvious target. Since she has always been attracted to women, she used to think she was straight, and now she knows she is a lesbian. But why should it matter? She cannot understand why we should require the object of anyone’s affection to be dictated by either gender or physical sex. Similarly, her evolving religious experience and interaction with people of various races and social classes have shown her that boundaries based upon those things also confine and separate people unnecessarily.
Transcender Lee has lived in the south, the southwest, several Midwestern states, New England, and New York City, and now resides in New Jersey with her wife. She holds two degrees in English and has acquired additional education in finance, religion, radio communications, and philanthropic studies. Her background includes involvement in numerous religious and political organizations. She has gained a deep appreciation of the diversity of human experience and encourages others to join in her mission to transcend boundaries of gender, race, religion, class, and sexual orientation.
Transcender Lee, LLC
Transcender Lee, LLC
This is the company started by Transcender Lee as a vehicle for communicating her message of transcending boundaries through 21st-century media. We intend to use modern book-publishing techniques, websites, blogs, videos, podcasts, personal appearances at various events, and whatever other methods seem promising. But we do not see this project as a one-way street. We invite everyone we can reach to join us actively in transforming ourselves and our society.
Oversoul Press
Oversoul Press is a publishing imprint of Transcender Lee, LLC. It will be used in connection with a variety of print and electronic publications. The first major release will be Transcender Lee’s book, Woman Incognito: Transsexual without Transition. Present plans are to continue to use it for her material, with any consideration of publishing material from other sources to be postponed until a later time. The name Oversoul is a reference to the essay of that name by Ralph Waldo Emerson, the leader of the 19th-century literary movement known as transcendentalism. We feel that their desire to transcend the commonplace resonates with our mission to transcend boundaries.